Twisted WilderFest 2019
October 5, 2019 11 AM - 7 PM
Southgate Park
Twisted WilderFest is the City of Green’s community pop-up festival of makers and nature held at Southgate Park, 5300 Massillon Road, to kick off fall. Twisted WilderFest will be held within Southgate Park and The Twisted Olive property.
Admission is FREE; Free Parking Boettler Park only.
Saturday, October 5
11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Crafts, Homemade Products, Food, Beer and Wine
Food vendors, beer and wine garden, entertainment, children's activities, twilight hike, and more!
Family Activities:
Pumpkin Painting
S' more Making
Yoga Demo's (bring your Yoga mat!)
Painting Sessions (Marla Knapic)
Photography Sessions
The Historic Preservation Group